Diverse depths is shown in Figure eight. A 3Dgeo colour PAL-format immersion camera using a resolution of 750 600 (96 dpi) was utilized to capture photos from the site.Coatings 2021, 11, x. https://doi.org/10.3390/xxxxxwww.mdpi.com/journal/coatingsCoatings 2021, 11, 1250 Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW14 of 24 14 ofFigure Instance of a camera inspection from the interior of nicely MO-4 at unique depths before (a) Figure eight.8. Instance of a camera inspection in the interior of well MO-4 at different depths just before (a) and after (b) rehabilitation. and following (b) rehabilitation.3.5. Properly Logging three.five. Properly Logging Before and right after the ultrasonic rehabilitation there was was a selection of comparative geoBefore and immediately after the ultrasonic rehabilitation there a range of comparative geophysical well-logging approaches applied. The measurements had been performed by SG GEOTECHphysical well-logging solutions applied. The measurements have been performed by SG GENIKA, a.s. (Geologick988/4, 152 00 Praha00 Praha cepy, Czech Republic) plus the aim of OTECHNIKA, a.s. (Geologick988/4, 152 5-Hlubo 5-Hlubocepy, Czech Republic) plus the the procedure was primarily to verify to verify thetechnicaltechnical situation of your borehole the current existing situation of the borehole and its aim of the process was mainly functionality soon after the rehabilitation. The measurements intended: and its functionality soon after the rehabilitation. The measurements intended:Coatings 2021, 11, x. https://doi.org/10.3390/xxxxxwww.mdpi.com/journal/coatingsCoatings 2021, 11,15 ofThe verification of the well technical circumstances (internal, external gear, diameters, perforations, depth); The verification in the internal space of your borehole by optical inspection; The determination of water inflows and their relative yields, as well as the clarification with the groundwater flow regime into the properly.three.six. The Inspection of Well Gravel Filter The applied solutions included:Gamma logging; Neutron neutron logging; Gamma gamma logging in density modification (density logging)–mainly to detect open spaces outside the well casing; Cavernometry–to verify the internal diameter from the nicely casing, Icosabutate Inflammation/Immunology doable deviations (broken casing, growths), casing joints, etc.; Measurement of physicochemical properties of water (conductivity, temperature, percentage of dissolved oxygen, pH index, oxidation-reduction potential)–to detect feasible zonality of water within the borehole (from distinctive inflows); Resistivimetry inside the application in the labelled fluid dilution method–to clarify the groundwater and detection of inflows; Resistivimetry within the application of the labeled liquid pumping method–to determine all inflows and their yields.The measured parameters had been in comparison with the pre-rehabilitation circumstances: water physical and chemical properties, water inflow, yield of permeable positions, well filter density, neutron properties of your well casing, organic gamma activity, and the borehole diameter curve (cavernometry). The outcomes have been interpreted into the following conclusions: The removal of PF 05089771 custom synthesis sediment from the properly bottom enhanced the accessible depth in the original 36.0 m to the existing 36.5 m, which can be 0.five m a lot more than the declared borehole depth. Comparison of the neutron logging curves showed a slight reduction in signal inside the 117 m bellow terrain (b.t.) section (a greater proportion of water compared to clay suspension). Inside the 7.350.32 m b.t. section the difference was substantial; however, this was influenced by a seasonal r.