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Product Name: Pneumocandin B0
Chemical Name: (3S)-(4R,5R)-N2-[(10R,12S)-10,12-dimethyl-1-oxotetradecyl]-4,5-dihydroxy-L-ornithyl-L-threonyl-(4R)-4-hydroxy-L-prolyl-(4S)-4-hydroxy-4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-L-threonyl-(3R)-3-hydroxy-L-glutaminyl-3-hydroxy-(6→1)-lactam
SMILES Code: O=C(N1[C@@]([H])([C@H](CC1)O)C(N[C@H](O)[C@H](O)C[C@H](NC(CCCCCCCC[C@H](C[C@H](CC)C)C)=O)C(NC2[C@@H](C)O)=O)=O)[C@]([H])([C@@H](CC(N)=O)O)NC(C([C@@H]([C@@H](O)C3=CC=C(C=C3)O)O)NC([C@]4([H])C[C@H](CN4C2=O)O)=O)=O
CAS NO: 54197-31-8 Product: NS11394
Synonym: L 688786; L688786; L-688786
Chemical Formula: C50H80N8O17Molecular Weight: 1065.21
Appearance: Solid powderWeb Site:Medchemexpress
Purity: 98% (this data is for the first batch)
Shipping Condition: Shipped under ambient temperature as non-hazardous chemical. This product is stable enough for a few weeks during ordinary shipping and time spent in Customs.
Storage Condition: Dry, dark and at 0 8211; 4 C for short term (days to weeks) or -20 C for long term (months to years).RIP kinase inhibitors
Solubility: Soluble in DMSO, not in water
Background Description: Pneumocandin B0, a key intermediate in the synthesis of the antifungal agent, Cancidas, has led to the identification of several materials with potential for improved performance.PubMed ID:

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Author: DNA_ Alkylatingdna