H Fentanyl and Bupivacaine: An Observational StudyT ay kan Seyhan1, OlgaBezen2, Mukadder Orhan Sungur1,brahimKaleliolu3, Meltem Karadeniz1, Kemalettin KoltkaDepartmentofAnesthesiology,stanbulUniversitystanbulFacultyofMedicine,stanbul,Turkey two DepartmentofAnesthesiology,stanbulBilimUniversityFacultyofMedicine,stanbul,Turkey 3 DepartmentofObstetricsandGynecology,stanbulUniversitystanbulFacultyofMedicine,stanbul,TurkeyBackground: Magnesium has anti-nociceptive effects and potentiatesopioidanalgesiafollowingitssystemicandneuraxialadministration. However, there is absolutely no study evaluating the effects of intravenous (IV) magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) therapy on spinal anaesthesia traits in severely pre-eclamptic individuals. Aims: The aim of this study was to examine spinal anaesthesia traits in severely pre-eclamptic parturients treated with MgSO4 and healthful preterm parturients undergoing caesarean section. As a result, ourprimaryoutcomewasregardedasthetimetofirstanalgesicrequest following spinal anaesthesia. Study Design: Case-control Study. Strategies: Following approval of Institutional PARP Inhibitor Formulation Clinical Analysis Ethics Committee and informed consent in the patients, 44 parturients undergoing caesarean section with spinal anaesthesia have been enrolled inthestudyintwogroups:Healthypretermparturients(GroupC)and severelypre-eclampticparturientswithIVMgSO4therapy(Group Mg).Followingbloodandcerebrospinalfluid(CSF)sampling,spinal anaesthesia was induced with 9 mg hyperbaric bupivacaine and20 fentanyl. Serum and CSF magnesium levels, onset of sensory block at T4 level, highest sensory block level, motor block characteristics,timetofirstanalgesicrequest,maternalhaemodynamicsas well as negative effects were evaluated. Final results: Blood and CSF magnesium levels had been greater in Group Mg. Sensory block onset at T4 have been 257.17.5 and 194.50.1 sec inGroupCandMgrespectively(p=0.015).TimetofirstpostoperativeanalgesicrequestwassignificantlyprolongedinGroupMgthan inGroupC(246.12.8and137.40.5min,respectively,p0.001; having a imply distinction of 108.six min and 95 CI in between 81.six and 135.7).Sideeffectsweresimilarinbothgroups.PLD Inhibitor Gene ID GroupCrequired significantlymorefluids. Conclusion:TreatmentwithIVMgSO4 in severe pre-eclamptic parturients significantly prolonged the time for you to first analgesic request in comparison to healthier preterm parturients, which may be attributed for the opioid potentiation of magnesium. (Balkan Med J2014;31:143-8). Key Words: Caesarean section, magnesium sulphate, pre-eclampsia, spinal anaesthesiaMagnesium is definitely an crucial part of therapy in severe preeclampsiaforeclampsiaprophylaxis.Besidesitsanticonvulsant and neuroprotective properties, this bivalent cation is definitely an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist and is frequently cited in the anaesthesia literature for its anti-nociceptiveeffectswithconflictingresults(1,2).Innon-obstetric populations, several research have reported intravenous (IV) magnesium administration to become effective for postoperative analgesiafollowingneuraxialanaesthesia(3-6),whereasone studycouldnotdemonstratethiseffect(7).Thiscontroversy can in aspect originate from the reality that, in healthful humans, thepassageofmagnesiumtocerebrospinalfluid(CSF)islim-itedwhenadministeredintravenously(1).On the other hand,thismay not be true for pre-eclamptic individuals as vascular permeability alterations in pre-eclamptic individuals may perhaps transform the transfer of magnesium for the CSF (eight).You will find only a number of studies exploringmagnesiumpassagetoCSFinthepresenceofpreeclampsia(9-11).Indee.