Sanson GD, Study J: Simpson SJ: Gross vs. net income: How plant toughness impacts efficiency of an insect herbivore. Ecology , :.Pleuromutilin Sandoval CP: Differential visual predation on morphs of Timema-cristinae (Phasmatodea: Timemidae) and its consequences for host-range. Biol J Linn Soc , :.Nosil P, Crespi BJ: Does gene flow constrain adaptive divergence or vice versa A test working with ecomorphology and sexual isolation in Timema cristinae walking-sticks. Eution , :.Nosil P, Crespi BJ: Experimental evidence that predation promotes divergence in adaptive radiation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA , :.Nosil P, Crespi B, Sandoval C: Host-plant adaptation drives the parallel eution of reproductive isolation. Nature , :.Nosil P, Crespi BJ, Sandoval CP: Reproductive isolation driven by the combined effects of ecological adaptation and reinforcement. Proc R Soc B-Biol Sci , :.Nosil P: mDPR-Val-Cit-PAB-MMAE site Divergent host plant adaptation and reproductive isolation among ecotypes of Timema cristinae walking sticks. Am Nat , :.Vickery VR: Revision of Timema Scudder (Phasmatoptera: Timematodea) which includes new species. Can Entomol , :.Crespi BJ, Sandoval CP: Phylogenetic proof for the eution of ecological specialization in PubMed ID: Timema walking-sticks. J E Biol , :.Sandoval CP, Nosil P: Counteracting selective regimes and host preference eution in ecotypes of two species of walking-sticks. Eution , :.Nosil P, Crespi B, Gries R, Gries G: Organic choice and divergence in mate preference through speciation. Genetica , :.Nosil P: Adaptive population divergence in
cryptic color-pattern following a reduction in gene flow. Eution , :.Wagner KR, Ewers FW, Davis SD: Tradeoffs in between hydraulic efficiency and mechanical strength within the stems of four co-occurring species of chaparral shrubs. Oecologia , :.Patterson BD: Correlation between mandibular morphology and precise eating plan of some desert grassland acrididae (orthoptera). Am Mid Nat , :.Bernays EA: Eution of insect morphology in relation to plants. Philos Trans R Soc B-Biol Sci , :.Nosil P, Crespi BJ, Sandoval CP: The eution of host preference in allopatric vs. parapatric populations of Timema cristinae walking-sticks. J E Biol , :.Tilgner EH, Kiselyova TG, McHugh JV: A morphological study of Timema cristinae vickery with implications for the phylogenetics of Phasmida. Dtsch Entomol Z , :.Klingenberg CP: MorphoJ: an integrated software package for geometric morphometrics. Mol Ecol Res , :.Zelditch ML, Swiderski DL, Sheets HD, Fink WL: Geometric Morphometrics for Biologists: A Primer. Amsterdam. The Netherlands: Elsevier, Academic Press;. Bookstein FL: Principal warps – thin-plate splines along with the decomposition of deformations. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell , :.Klingenberg CP: Multivariate allometry. In Advances in Morphometrics. Edited by Marcus L, Corti M, Loy A, Naylor G, DE S. New York: Plenum Press; :.Drake AG, Klingenberg CP: The pace of morphological transform: historical transformation of skull shape in St Bernard dogs. Proc R Soc B-Biol Sci , :.Hendry AP, Taylor EB, McPhail JD: Adaptive divergence and the balance in between choice and gene flow: Lake and stream stickleback in the Misty technique. Eution , :.Cheesman P, Stutz J: Bayesian classification (Autoclass): Theory and final results. In Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Edited by Fayyad U, Ai E. Boston: MIT Press; :.Rosenberg NA: DISTRUCT: a plan for the graphical show of population structure. Mol Ecol Notes , :.Norman GR, Streiner DL: Biostatistics: The Bare Essentials.Sanson GD, Read J: Simpson SJ: Gross vs. net income: How plant toughness affects functionality of an insect herbivore. Ecology , :.Sandoval CP: Differential visual predation on morphs of Timema-cristinae (Phasmatodea: Timemidae) and its consequences for host-range. Biol J Linn Soc , :.Nosil P, Crespi BJ: Does gene flow constrain adaptive divergence or vice versa A test applying ecomorphology and sexual isolation in Timema cristinae walking-sticks. Eution , :.Nosil P, Crespi BJ: Experimental evidence that predation promotes divergence in adaptive radiation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA , :.Nosil P, Crespi B, Sandoval C: Host-plant adaptation drives the parallel eution of reproductive isolation. Nature , :.Nosil P, Crespi BJ, Sandoval CP: Reproductive isolation driven by the combined effects of ecological adaptation and reinforcement. Proc R Soc B-Biol Sci , :.Nosil P: Divergent host plant adaptation and reproductive isolation amongst ecotypes of Timema cristinae walking sticks. Am Nat , :.Vickery VR: Revision of Timema Scudder (Phasmatoptera: Timematodea) like new species. Can Entomol , :.Crespi BJ, Sandoval CP: Phylogenetic proof for the eution of ecological specialization in PubMed ID: Timema walking-sticks. J E Biol , :.Sandoval CP, Nosil P: Counteracting selective regimes and host preference eution in ecotypes of two species of walking-sticks. Eution , :.Nosil P, Crespi B, Gries R, Gries G: Natural selection and divergence in mate preference throughout speciation. Genetica , :.Nosil P: Adaptive population divergence in cryptic color-pattern following a reduction in gene flow. Eution , :.Wagner KR, Ewers FW, Davis SD: Tradeoffs between hydraulic efficiency and mechanical strength within the stems of 4 co-occurring species of chaparral shrubs. Oecologia , :.Patterson BD: Correlation amongst mandibular morphology and certain diet of some desert grassland acrididae (orthoptera). Am Mid Nat , :.Bernays EA: Eution of insect morphology in relation to plants. Philos Trans R Soc B-Biol Sci , :.Nosil P, Crespi BJ, Sandoval CP: The eution of host preference in allopatric vs. parapatric populations of Timema cristinae walking-sticks. J E Biol , :.Tilgner EH, Kiselyova TG, McHugh JV: A morphological study of Timema cristinae vickery with implications for the phylogenetics of Phasmida. Dtsch Entomol Z , :.Klingenberg CP: MorphoJ: an integrated software package for geometric morphometrics. Mol Ecol Res , :.Zelditch ML, Swiderski DL, Sheets HD, Fink WL: Geometric Morphometrics for Biologists: A Primer. Amsterdam. The Netherlands: Elsevier, Academic Press;. Bookstein FL: Principal warps – thin-plate splines as well as the decomposition of deformations. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell , :.Klingenberg CP: Multivariate allometry. In Advances in Morphometrics. Edited by Marcus L, Corti M, Loy A, Naylor G, DE S. New York: Plenum Press; :.Drake AG, Klingenberg CP: The pace of morphological change: historical transformation of skull shape in St Bernard dogs. Proc R Soc B-Biol Sci , :.Hendry AP, Taylor EB, McPhail JD: Adaptive divergence and the balance among selection and gene flow: Lake and stream stickleback in the Misty method. Eution , :.Cheesman P, Stutz J: Bayesian classification (Autoclass): Theory and benefits. In Advances in Know-how Discovery and Data Mining. Edited by Fayyad U, Ai E. Boston: MIT Press; :.Rosenberg NA: DISTRUCT: a plan for the graphical show of population structure. Mol Ecol Notes , :.Norman GR, Streiner DL: Biostatistics: The Bare Essentials.